Metal shingles ideal for Hawaii roofs


Metal shingles are a time-tested roofing material here in Hawaii. Metal shingles interlock and they can also be installed over an existing layer of asphalt shingles. Metal shingles usually come in either aluminum, zinc or copper and have a wind resistance rating of 165 mph. Aluminum shingles come with a 50-year material warranty while zinc and copper come with a 75+ year life expectancy. MRC Roofing has a favorite brand of metal shingles. It’s called Permalock and they’ve been in business for 65 years.

While roofing Hawaii for over 32 years, MRC Roofing LLC has learned a few things about the difference between quality manufactured metal shingles and inferior manufactured metal shingles. Quality metal shingle systems come with proper metal flashings for all the different types of roofing transitions inferior metal shingles don’t. Inferior metal systems tend to lack the proper accessories needed for all the different types of transitions that can be found on a roof. Permalock is a maintenance free roof system and has all the proper flashings.

Metal shingles are a specialty product. Not every roofer with a contractor’s license is qualified to install metal shingles. It’s a niche skill that requires the journeymen on your roof to be very handy with a tin snip and to be expert layout men, which MRC is proud to say we are. We are certified factory installers and have been installing metal shingle roofs regularly for the last sixteen years.

Permalock is made in America and is a stocked item in Hawaii. Other metal shingle manufacturers can’t make that claim. MRC orders direct from manufacturer though so there is never a material shortage on any of our jobs. Other roofers can’t make that claim.

Permalock’s aluminum shingles come in (9) standard colors (driftwood cedar, Tudor brown, regal brown, terra cotta red, classic green, plain aluminum mill, dawn gray, charcoal gray, black) and hundreds of combinations of those colors plus (4) different textured finishes (wood grain, embossed, smooth and slate). The pallet of colors and finishes that Permalock comes in should fit any color scheme your house or structure may have.

If you think it might be time for a new metal shingle roofing installation, call MRC for a free estimate and a quality Permalock installation. Contact MRC Roofing LLC license No. C-31624 at 842-4464 or visit or email MRC Roofing’s favorite metal shingle manufacturer can be located at

CONTACT 842-4464